Foster, J.D.G., Masoso, O.T., Sebusang,
S.E.M. Uys, P.M. (2002, September). A Study of How Engineering Students Share
Learning. 3rd Southern African Conference on Engineering Education,
October 3-4, 2002.
A Study of How Engineering Students Share Learning
D.G.Foster, Okatoseng T.Masoso, Sebusang E.M.Sebusang, (Dept. of Mechanical Engineering), Philip Uys, (Centre for Academic Development),;;;
Abstract: The paper describes a simple study of the means by which
engineering students learn from one another.
The groups studied were undergraduate and graduate students in
Results indicate that most
engineering students see themselves as both giving and receiving useful
knowledge through peer networks, particularly in matters directly related to
their subjects of study. They most commonly select their associates from others
in the same programme and they use a variety of means of communication. In many
cases, they consider their peers to be as useful a source of learning as other
academic resources, or better.
It is generally accepted that learning in higher education takes place
in various environments both on and off campus, in groups or on one’s own, in
formal and informal settings, in classrooms and also among learners themselves.
Various newer communication technologies, such as email and message boards
complement longer-established ways that students use to communicate with each
other for the purposes of shared learning.
In an educational era where “constructivism” is regarded with much
interest, the focus turns towards the learning of the student and how this
occurs, from a traditional focus on teaching. Constructivism is a philosophical
educational approach in which it is argued that since knowledge is socially and
culturally constructed (
Implications for instructional design include a focus on the construction of knowledge rather than on instruction,
developing contextually authentic rather than artificial learning tasks, setting collaborative
tasks within clearly defined social contexts, giving students voice and
ownership within the learning process, enabling students to construct knowledge
from their own life experiences and awakening students to their part in the
knowledge construction process (Boyle, 1996).
Uys (1998) further notes that students
in a constructivist environment and skilled in the newer communication
technologies, do not remain as “consumers” but emerge as active providers and
publishers of information and knowledge.
In line with the constructivist approach, this study therefore
investigated student learning within a social network of peers. Questions put
to participating students sought information on
the way that
students chose others with whom to share learning
the different
sorts of learning that were being shared
the physical
means of communication, when this was not by face-to-face contact
the attitudes of
students to the sharing processes
the perceived
value of peer-group learning as compared to other learning resources.
The study is intended to serve
as a baseline for a later assessment of the impact of IT-based class
networking, via messaging and chat rooms, in groups exposed to eLearning
Students or former students
found at two universities contributed to the study by the completion of a
questionnaire. The bigger group, of 130
students, was located at the South Bank University (SBU) in
It is important to note that participation was not offered to the whole
engineering student population of each university, and the respondents should
not be considered as a 'sample at random'.
Participation in the survey was voluntary to those students to whom it
was offered. Caution should therefore be
exercised in drawing conclusions, particularly since the number of female
students surveyed was small, being 9 % at UB and 5% at SBU, and because
students of various disciplines including Civil Engineering and Chemical
Engineering were hardly present in the respondents.
SBU data included students with date of birth ranging from 1953 to 1985,
while those at UB had birth dates from 1961 to 1982. Table 1 summarises the study programmes of
the respondents.
UB |
B.Eng. Civil , Quantity Surveying |
2 |
7 |
M.Sc. Telecoms/ Computer Networking, Software Engg |
9 |
0 |
B.Eng. Electrical/Electronic, Telecoms, Software |
23 |
14 |
B.Eng. Mechatronics |
9 |
0 |
HD Elec/Electronic Engg |
0 |
6 |
12 |
1 |
B. Eng/ |
41 |
26 |
HD Mechanical, Building Services |
25 |
11 |
Other M.Sc. |
2 |
0 |
Other B.Eng./B.Sc. |
6 |
0 |
Other HD |
1 |
0 |
After some preliminary interviews with recent graduates and students in
Mechanical Engineering, a questionnaire of 48 questions was designed. The questionnaire, under the title 'Learning
from Each Other' was offered to students during May 2002 at both universities,
a time that coincided with examinations and ‘student assessment of staff’
The questionnaires were completed anonymously, and hence no check was
made on the veracity of the replies.
However, the questions had been designed in such a way that there would
be no rational motive for a respondent to give false replies or to complete
more than one form.
The responses were analysed using SPSS version 11.
Respondents were asked to indicate for each of eleven learning areas
whether their peers helped them, or they helped their peers, or both. In items related closely to their studies,
the most popular responses (see Table 2) in both universities indicated that
help was both given and received, and that the level of activity was high: this
applied to Practical Skills, Information Technology, Assigned Problems,
Preparing for Tests, Preparing Presentations and Report Writing. However, items unconnected or loosely related
to studies drew a different pattern of response. For these, few respondents answered that
learning was both given and received, and the most popular response was to
leave both check boxes blank, i.e. that sharing did not apply in their
case. The two items eliciting this type
of response pattern in both university groups were University Rules/Regulations
and Fashion.
Some differences in patterns of response between SBU students and UB
students appeared in the questions concerning sharing learning about Problems
in Life, Music and Leisure Interests, and Looking for a Job. For these, the most popular response at SBU
indicated no sharing (by leaving the boxes unticked)
while for UB students the commonest response to each question was a double
tick, indicating that they both get from and give help to their peers.
Shared learning |
Neither get nor
give, as % of total responses (All,
SBU, UB) |
Both get and
give, as % of total responses (All,
SBU, UB) |
Practical Skills |
12, 13, 11 |
45, 41, 54 |
Information Technology |
8, 5, 12 |
37, 38, 37 |
Dealing with assigned problems |
5, 7, 2 |
56, 48, 74 |
Preparing for tests |
7, 9, 3 |
54, 44, 75 |
Preparing presentations |
17, 18, 17 |
38, 33, 46 |
Writing essays or reports |
16, 17, 14 |
36, 34, 40 |
University rules and
regulations |
44, 43, 46 |
15, 10, 25 |
Problems in life |
29, 33, 20 |
34, 21, 60 |
Fashion |
52, 50, 57 |
9, 6, 14 |
Music and leisure interests |
42, 47, 32 |
20, 9, 42 |
Looking for a job |
33, 34, 32 |
27, 18,45 |
Figure 1 presents the overall data as a bar graph, arranged in such a
way that the activities in which students indicated greater co-operation are at
the top; those where least sharing occurs are placed at the bottom of the
There is an interesting trend revealed by Table2: in almost all the
parameters investigated, the UB respondents have a higher percentage of
sharing. Possible explanations for this
trend could be based on a difference in the proportion of students accommodated
on campus, or in the cultural differences between the two groups. European
societies (dominant in SBU) are seemingly less sociable/interactive
than African societies (dominant in UB).
Most shared learning takes place face-to-face in classes, study groups
and laboratories. This is clear from the
responses that students gave when describing those colleagues with whom they
shared learning. The highest numbers of
these were characterized as fellow students in the same year of the same
programme that the respondent was pursuing.
The influence of other factors such as being in the same hostel, sports
team or university club was much less significant. This data is summarized in Table 3.
UB |
Same Programme of Study |
2.53 |
2.53 |
Same Year of Study |
2.52 |
2.50 |
Knew them before |
1.10 |
1.55 |
Same Residence |
0.36 |
0.86 |
Same Team |
0.36 |
0.30 |
Same Society |
0.48 |
0.67 |
However, when communication at a distance was important, clearly the
most popular means employed are text messages via mobile phone and e-mail. Among the students studied, networking via
class chat rooms or electronic message boards had clearly not yet been
established, while the use of a conventional letter (‘snail mail’) for these purposes
had never been tried by most respondents.
Principal features of the data are shown in Table 4 and Fig. 2
Means of Communication |
UB |
Letter |
0.52 |
0.32 |
Phone |
2.37 |
2.37 |
Text |
1.73 |
2.26 |
E-mail |
2.38 |
1.31 |
Electronic Message Board |
0.47 |
0.24 |
Electronic Chat Room |
0.32 |
0.29 |
Recognising that student attitudes to sharing knowledge and skills are
an important factor in that process, the questionnaire attempted to poll the
opinions of students in several ways.
Respondents were asked to rate the general level of co-operation in
their class: the most popular response was ‘Good’; 78% of all responses were
either ‘Good’, ‘Very Good’ or ‘Excellent’.
Students were asked to comment in their own words as to how the level of
co-operation had changed since the start of their programme: this brought a
variety of comments, mostly indicating that sharing had developed as students
formed friendships and stable groups.
Some typical comments were:
“We have become more friendly and used to each other” (UB B.Eng, Year 4)
“Students became more interactive” (UB B.Eng,
Year 4)
“We became more of a team” (SBU B.Eng,
Final Year)
However, several students also described negative tendencies, such as
those expressed thus:
“…co-operation….decreased as the time elapsed and since some students
moved off-campus and our meetings suffered.” (UB, Higher Diploma, Final
“Very poor co-operation in the final year due to
competition among students.” (UB B.Eng., Final Year).
68% of the SBU respondents and 71% of the UB ones agreed with the
statement that ‘you and your colleagues help each other but it is hard to say
who benefits most.’ Student approval of
various sorts of co-operation followed conventional lines in general, with high
majorities of students approving co-operation in taking measurements, doing
assignments and writing reports (91%, 86% and 86% overall respectively) while assisting
another student during a test was considered not acceptable by 63% of the SBU
respondents and 89% of the UB ones.
The final group of questions invited the student to rank ‘Knowledge from
fellow students’ for usefulness in comparison with that from five other sources
of learning: ‘Assigned problems’, ‘Lectures’, ‘Textbooks that you own’, ‘Lab
Work’ and ‘Books from the library’. The average rankings from the responses to
these questions show that lectures and assigned problems were valued higher than
knowledge from fellow students, but sources such as books and laboratory work
were of similar or lower value than the knowledge obtained by sharing. Figure 3 presents data on these comparisons.
The engineering educator will rightly regard students as useful allies
in the learning process for all her/his students. In order to encourage the process of students
learning from one another, we need an understanding of how they form groups, of
the matters on which they do co-operate and of how they communicate with one another.
For the authors, one conclusion drawn from this study was that there
were few significant differences in respect of the sharing process between
students at SBU and at UB. The main
fellow-student resource continues to be centred on other students in the same
programme and year, and the primary contact is a face-to-face one. In order to encourage all forms of sharing,
those whose job it is to facilitate learning must therefore
Demonstrate that they themselves value this learning
Assist and encourage in the formation of stable groups
among whom information can be exchanged (at SBU this process is deliberately
promoted by social events arranged for classes);
Informally monitor at least some of the sharing
process, particularly at the early stages of programmes and courses;
Be aware of all the possibilities for inter-student
peer communication, and encourage students to use the most appropriate ones.
The use of class electronic messaging and chat rooms is at present quite
insignificant in both the engineering faculties studied. As suitable facilities become more accessible
to students, the use of these technologies will certainly increase, but it is
clear from the study that students are already using a new means of
communication, thanks to the growth in personal phones. Instead of waiting for the new classroom
technologies to be introduced, we should be exploiting this new platform. Universities and faculties could do this now
by means of some innovative arrangements with the cell phone industry. Any message that can be fitted onto two or
three cell phone text pages could be broadcast to designated numbers, and this
gives possibilities for arranging classes, on-line chat times, test dates and
venues and notification of alterations.
Feedback and queries from students in text form could be ported to the
instructor’s e-mail or possibly to his/her eLearning message pages.
As for the students, much learning is being shared now, but more could
be achieved. The percentage of students
that regularly communicate with one another by e-mail is still relatively low,
particularly at UB, possibly because of limited access. Increasing the use of e-mail should encourage
the exchange of data files in appropriate engineering software, with students
working in teams when solving problems, improving designs, analysing data and
preparing presentations. This is of
course the process in which today’s student will engage when he/she joins any
workplace after graduation. The more
able students are doing it already and the rest must also join in.
The study has shown that engineering students at two universities on
different continents share learning with peers that are mostly drawn from the
set of same-year colleagues on the same programme. Their bonds develop over the duration of a
programme, and the instructor can help or hinder this process.
Students were shown to co-operate principally on those matters that they
perceive as directly related to their coursework. Those with whom they associate for such
learning activities are not however much used as a resource for learning
outside the curriculum. Apart from
face-to-face communication, most students at these universities make
considerable use of telephones and text messaging to support learning from one another. The use of e’mail
was also significant, although rather less so in
The approval of sharing knowledge for the purposes described was almost
universal. All activities except the
sharing of knowledge during a test received high approval scores. Students value their peers as a source of
knowledge. In many cases they regard
them as a learning resource that is more useful than book learning or
laboratory exercises.
Finally, it is our view that educators and a solid educational rationale
drive the use of educational technologies to ensure quality of learning (Willmot and McLean, 1994; Caladine,
1993). Learning environments should be designed or chosen so as to ensure an
educational focus. Educational
principles must be pre-eminent, rather than the desire to serve administrative
convenience or simply the latest technical possibilities.
Boyle, R. (1996). A review and critique of
constructivism in Carlson, P. & Makedin, F., (Eds) Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, proceedings of
Ed-Media: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
Caladine, R. (1993). Overseas
Experience in Non-Traditional Modes of Delivery in Higher Education Using
State-of-the-Art Technologies: A Literature Review.
Uys, P.M. (1998). Towards
the Virtual Class: On-line Hypermedia in Higher Education, 55-72. In Hazemi, R., Hailes, S. & Wilbur,
S. (Eds.). The
Willmot, M.
& McLean, M. (1994). Evaluating flexible learning: A
case study. Journal for Higher Educatioin
Zepke, N. (1998, July).
Instructional Design for Distance Delivery Using Hypertext and the
Internet: Assumptions and Applications. Quality In
Higher Education.