He has co-authored two books; five chapters in books; 18 refereed scholarly journal articles; 23 papers in refereed conference proceedings; three symposia in refereed conference proceedings; 35 invited key notes, posters and presentations; and 25 conference papers and workshops (not in refereed conference proceedings), and participated in more than 50 further professional development activities.
PhD supervisor - co-supervised a PhD student at the University of Adelaide in the School of Education on Cognitive Load Theory (CLT) and Evidence-based eLearning design; an examiner of Doctoral Degrees/PhD (6) on the adoption of learning technologies; frameworks for mobile Learning in higher education in developing countries; Technology Enhanced Learning Innovation; e-Practices; The Academic ICT Gap; Management of E-Learning Resource development and Delivery. An examiner of Masters Degrees (5) on Blended Teaching Perceptions and Experiences; metacognition in a mathematics unit; Cyber Learning and Moral Development; Automated Library Information Systems to support education; and Drivers and Inhibitors Affecting Electronic Commerce in Developing Countries.
More details on publications available at https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Philip_Uys
- Douse, M. & Uys, P.M. (2020). ONE WORLD ONE SCHOOL - Education s forthcoming fundamental transformation. Online: self-published. ISBN: 9798626785883; ASIN: B0861B163X. Available http://www.globe-online.com/oneworldoneschool.pdf; Kindle and paperback
- Douse, M. & Uys, P.M. (2019). THE GLOBAL SCHOOL - Education in the Time of Digitisation. Online: self-published. ISBN-10: 1091325065; ISBN-13: 978-1091325067; ASIN: B07Q11L6C1. Available http://www.globe-online.com/theglobalschool.pdf; Kindle and paperback
Chapters in books
- Uys, P.M., Brann, J., Klapdor T., Smith, M. (2012).
Mobile Learning in eHealth: Increasing Learning Options by Supporting the Mobility of Learners
in Developing Contexts. In Mathias, I. and Monteiro, A. (Eds). Gold e-Book ehealth and tele-education. EdUERJ:University Hospital Pedro Ernesto
of State University of Rio de Janeiro. ISBN 978-85-7511-238-0. pp.573-603.
- Wozniak, H., Uys P.M., Mahony, M J (2012). Digital communication in a networked world.
In Higgs, J., Ajjawi, R, McAllister L. Trede, F., Loftus, S, (Eds). Communicating in the Health Sciences, 3rd edition. Melbourne: Oxford University Press. pp. 150 162.
- Giannini-Gachago, D., Molelu, G.B, Uys, P.M. (2005). “Analysing the impact of introducing e-Learning in higher education within developing settings: the case of the University of Botswana”. In the book Grabowska, A., Cellary, W. (Eds). E-learning: experiences, cases, projects. Poznan: The Poznan University of economics publishing house. ISBN 83-7417-122-7, pp. 29-38.
- Uys, P.M. (2001). Managing Tertiary Education in a Global Virtual Environment: Networked Educational Management. In Hazemi, R. & Hailes, S. (Eds.). The Digital University: Building a Learner Community. London: Springer-Verlag.
- Uys, P.M. (1998). Towards the Virtual Class: On-line Hypermedia in Higher Education, 55-72. In Hazemi, R., Hailes, S. & Wilbur, S. (Eds.). The Digital University: Computer Supported Cooperative Work. London: Springer-Verlag.
Refereed Scholarly Journal Articles
- Douse, M. and Uys, P.M. (2019) Equity and Education, International Journal of Education Humanities and Social Science, Vol. 2, No. 04; 2019; ISSN: 2582-0745; available
a href="http://ijehss.com/view1.php?issue=4" target="_blank">http://ijehss.com/view1.php?issue=4
- Douse, M. and Uys, P. (2019) Education and Democracy in the Time of Digitisation, Journal of Education and Culture Studies, ISSN 2573-0401 (Print) ISSN 2573-041X (Online), Vol.3, No.2, 147-166 www.scholink.org/ojs/index.php/jecs
- Douse, M. and Uys, P. (2019) The School Around the Corner in the Time of Digitisation, International Journal of Social Sciences and Management Review Volume: 02, Issue: 03, May-June 2019 http://www.ijssmr.org/uploads/ijssmr02_36.pdf
- Douse, M. & Uys, P.M. (2019, January). TVET Teaching in the Time of Digitisation. In McGrath S., Mulder M., Papier J., Suart R. (eds) Handbook of Vocational Education and Training. Springer, Cham. Available https://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007%2F978-3-319-49789-1_75-1#citeas
- Sanoto, D. & Uys, P.M. (2019). Breaking Learner Isolation through ICTs in Teacher Education: The case of the Bachelors Degree in Education, Primary, at Botswana Open University. Progressio: South African Journal for Open and Distance Learning Practice, in press
- Thomson, E.A., Auhl, G., Uys, P.M., Denise Wood & Woolley, D. (2019). Towards best practice in course design: a case study of flexibility and collaboration between users and developers in supporting process with technology. Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice, 16(1), 2019. Available at: https://ro.uow.edu.au/jutlp/vol16/iss1/6
- Douse, M. & Uys, P.M. (2018, October). Secondary Curriculum in the Time of Digitisation. Journal of Education and Culture Studies 2 (1). Available http://www.scholink.org/ojs/index.php/jecs/issue/view/182
- Douse, M. & Uys, P.M. (2018, October). Educational Psychology in the Time of Digitisation. Research Journal of Educational Studies and Review Vol. 4 (4). ISSN: 2449-1837. Available http://www.pearlresearchjournals.org/journals/rjesr/archive/2018/Oct/Abstract/ Douse%20and%20Uys.html
- Abeywardena, I., Uys, P., & Fifita, S. (2018). OER Mainstreaming in Tonga. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 20(1). Avaialable http://www.irrodl.org/index.php/irrodl/article/view/3924
- Douse, M. & Uys, P.M. (2018). Educational Planning In the Age Of Digitisation. Journal of Educational Planning, The International Society for Educational Planning, Volume 25, Number 2, pp.7-23. Available http://isep.info/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/25.2.1.Ageof-Digitisation.pdf
- Uys, P. M. (2010, December). Implementing an open source learning management system: A critical analysis of change strategies. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 26(7), 980-995.
- Created the "LASO (Leadership, Academic & Student Ownership and Readiness) Model for Technological Transformation in Tertiary Education" based on his doctorate research and subsequent engagements.
- Uys, P.M. (2007). Enterprise-Wide Technological Transformation in Higher Education: The LASO Model. International Journal of Educational Management (ISSN: 0951-354X), Emerald, UK.
- Campbell, M. & Uys, P.M. (2007). Identifying factors that influence the success of ICT in developing a learning community: the CELT experience. Campus-Wide Information Systems (CWIS), Emerald, UK, Vol 24, Number 1, 2007.
- Kiravu, C, Mothibi, J, Uys, P.M. (2004) in Campus Wide Information Systems (CWIS) "Implementing the LASO model: Development of a pilot online course at the Faculty of Engineering and Technology, University of Botswana", Vol 21, Issue 3 (2004), pp. 125-131.
- Uys, P.M. (2004). Campus Wide Information Systems (CWIS) "A Syntagm of Networked Educational Management: Case Study University of Botswana", Vol 21, Issue 1 (2004), pp. 22-28.
- Uys, P.M. (2003). The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning (IRRODL). Critical Success Factors in The Infusion of Instructional Technologies for Open Learning in Development Settings: The Case of the University of Botswana.
- Uys, P.M. & Shemi, A. (2003). Towards e-Learning in Southern Africa: Vision and Imperatives, Journal of Public Administration, Vol38, No 3.1, September 2003.
- Uys, P.M.,Nleya, P and Molelu, G.B. (2003). Educational Media International (EMI) with "Technological Innovation and Management Strategies for Higher Education in Africa: Harmonizing Reality and Idealism", Vol 40, 2003.
- Uys, P.M. (2002). Campus Wide Information Systems (CWIS) "Networked Educational Management: Transforming Educational Management in a Networked Institute", Vol 19 Number 5O, October-November 2002, pp. 175-181.
Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings
- Uys, P.M. & Douse, M. (2024, October 15-17). Tertiary Education Necessitated and Enabled by Artificial Intelligence. Scholarship of Tertiary Teaching Online Conference. CQU, Australia. Available https://www.researchgate.net/publication/384908120_Tertiary_Education_Necessitated_and_Enabled_by_Artificial_Intelligence#fullTextFileContent
- Uys, P.M. & Douse, M. (2022, December 4-7). Students True Purposes and Third Millennium Realities [Poster Presentation]. Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education Conference, Sydney, NSW, Australia. Available https://www.researchgate.net/publication/365682426_Students'_True_Purposes_and_Third_Millennium_Realities
- Dave, K. & Uys, P.M. (2022, December 4-7). Demonstrating cultural diversity and inclusivity in selecting academics in higher education in Australia. [Pecha Kucha Presentation]. Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education Conference, Sydney, NSW, Australia. Available https://www.researchgate.net/publication/365677944_Demonstrating_cultural_diversity_and_inclusivity_in_selecting_academics_in_higher_education_in_Australia
- Uys, P.M. & Douse, M. (2021, 29 Nov). Education s EdTech-Enabled Post-Pandemic Transformation. Proceedings of the ICDE Virtual Global Conference Week 2021: Upskilling and upscaling for quality Open, Flexible and Distance Learning (OFDL) : Online: ICDE.
- Uys, P.M. & Douse, M. (2020, 30 Nov - 1 Dec). The Post-Pandemic Blended University in the Time of Digitisation. Paper presented at the 37th International Conference on Innovation, Practice and Research in the Use of Educational Technologies in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE 2020): Ascilite's First Virtual Conference, Online. [Won the "Best Concise paper" award at the Conference] . Available https://www.researchgate.net/publication/346482465_THE_POST-PANDEMIC_BLENDED_UNIVERSITY_IN_THE_TIME_OF_DIGITISATION
- Uys, P. M (2019, July). A Comparative Study of Strategies and Lessons Learned in Recent MOODLE Training in Tonga, Samoa, Papa New Guinea, Botswana and South Africa. moodlemoot Melbourne, Australia, 2 - 3 July 2019.
- Uys, P.M. (2019, June). Educational Technology for Active Connections in Blended Learning Environments. Proceedings of the 2019 EDEN (European Distance Education Network) Annual Conference, 16-19 June 2019, Bruges, Belgium.
- Sanoto, D. and Uys, P.M. (2018, October). Breaking Learner Isolation, through ICTs in Teacher Education: The case of the Bachelors Degree in Education, Primary, at Botswana Open University. 8th Annual Teacher Education at a Distance Conference 2018. Drakensburg Sun Resort, KZN, South Africa.
- Uys, P. & Molelu, G.B. (2018, October). Moodle Learning Analytics: Exploring the Governance Framework of Learning Analytics at the Botswana Open University. moodlemoot Africa 2018. Cape Town, South Africa, 11 - 12 October 2018.
- Hua, P., Uys, P.M. & Eeles, P. (2018, June). Digital showcase on "Scaling Up Active Learning in CSU's Learning Spaces". 43d International Conference on Improving University Teaching (IUT). Port Macquarie, Australia
- Uys, P.M. & Douse, M. (2017, 5 - 7 Sept). Digitisation, Learning and Teaching for Sustainable Development: Curriculum, Cognition and Context in the Digital Age. Paper presented at the 14th International Conference on Education and Development (2017 UKFIET), Learning and Teaching for Sustainable Development: Curriculum, Cognition and Context, Oxford, UK.
- Kamal, M. A., Uys, P.M., Sultana, S.A. (2016). Using Technologies and OER to Enhance Efficiency and Effectiveness of Higher Education in Bangladesh: Opportunities and Challenges. Pan-Commonwealth Forum 8 (PCF8). Kuala Lumpur, Malyasia.
- Bossu, C., Ward, L., Wills, S., Alexander, S., Sadler, D., Kandlbinder, P., Uys, P.M. (2016, 27 - 30 Nov). A national strategy to promote Open Educational Practices in higher education in Australia. Paper presented at the 33rd International Conference on Innovation, Practice and Research in the Use of Educational Technologies in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE 2016): Show Me The Learning, Adelaide, SA.
- Welsh, S. & Uys, P. (2015). Dreaming of Electric Sheep: CSU s Vision for Analytics-Driven Adaptive Learning and Teaching. In T. Reiners, B.R. von Konsky, D. Gibson, V. Chang, L. Irving, & K. Clarke (Eds.), Globally connected, digitally enabled. Proceedings ascilite 2015 in Perth (pp. CP:246-CP:251).
- Uys, P.M. (2015, October). Using the LASO model to review a learning management system implementation to enhance distance e-learning.
Proceedings of the 26th ICDE (International Council for Distance Education) World Conference. Sun City, South Africa: ICDE.
- Gregory, B., Uys, P., & Gregory, S. (2014, December). The role of instant feedback in improving student
understanding of basic accounting concepts. In B. Hegarty, J. McDonald, & S.-K. Loke (Eds.), Rhetoric and
Reality: Critical perspectives on educational technology. Proceedings ascilite Dunedin 2014 (pp. 634-637).
- Klapdor, T. & Uys, P. (2013). Mobile Learning at Charles Sturt University: Lessons learned from university-wide iPad trials in 2012. In H. Carter, M. Gosper and J. Hedberg (Eds.), Electric Dreams. Proceedings ascilite 2013 Sydney. (pp.487 -497)
- Ridolfo, H., Gregory, Klapdor, T., Nagel, L., Kruger, J., Uys, P.M. (2012). Conducting and Reporting on Educational Technology Research for Institutional Impact. Proceedings of ascilite Wellington 2012 conference.
- Tinkler, J; Uys, P; Dalgarno, B; Carlson, L; Crampton (2012). A 2010 Snapshot of Educational Technology use by CSU students. Proceedings of ascilite Wellington 2012 conference.
- Uys, P.M. & Gunn, C (2012). Breaking the Rules: Supporting Learning and Teaching Technology Innovations. Proceedings of ascilite 2012 conference; Wellington; page 949-957
- Uys, P.M., Dalgarno, B., Carlson, L., Crampton, A. and Tinkler, J. (2011). A 2010 Snapshot of Educational Technology use by Teaching Staff of Charles Sturt University. In G. Williams, P. Statham, N. Brown & B. Cleland (Eds.), Changing Demands, Changing Directions. Proceedings ascilite Hobart 2011. (pp. 1255 1269).
- Uys, P.M. (2010, June). Blended Learning in the ICT-Enabled Learning and Teaching Community of Practice at Charles Sturt University. Proceedings of the ED-MEDIA 2010-World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications. 28 June to 2nd July 2010, Toronto, Canada: AACE
- Uys, P.M. (2009, April). Change and innovation strategies during the implementation of an open source LMS: an Australian case study. Paper presented at the V International Conference on Multimedia and ICT in Education (m-ICTE2009). Lisbon, Portugal.
- Uys, P.M. & Tulloch, M (2007).Appropriate Change Leadership for the Introduction of Flexible Learning within University Governance and Strategic Leadership Frameworks: A Comparative Analysis of Case Studies in Developed and Developing Countries. Paper presented at the Integrating for Excellence Conference 2007. Sheffield, UK
- Uys, P. M. (2006). LASO, LAMS and Learning Designs: Reflections on Strategic Change in Digitally-Enhanced Learning Environments. Invited paper. LAMS 2006 Proceedings of the First International LAMS Conference 2006. Sydney, Australia
- Campbell, M. & Uys, P.M. (2006, July). “Identifying factors that influence the success of ICT in developing a learning community: the CELT experience.” Seventh Annual International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education & Training (ITHET 2006). July 10 - Thursday July 13, 2006. University of Technology, Sydney, Australia.
- Uys, P.M. & Campbell, M. (2005, December). “Structure and sustainability: an analysis of the organisation of educational technology leadership and support at Australian universities.” The Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ascilite) Annual Conference Balance, Fidelity, Mobility: Maintaining the Momentum? December 4-7, 2005. Brisbane, Australia.
- Campbell, M. & Uys, P.M. (2005, November). Building learning communities of practice for professional development in open and distance learning: the CELT experience. 17th Biennial Conference of the Open & Distance Learning Association of Australia (ODLAA), November 9 - 11 2005, Adelaide, South Australia
- Uys, P.M. (2004, June). “Developing eLearning Materials in Developing Settings: Reflections on the Team Development Approach at the University of Botswana”. Proceedings of the ED-MEDIA 2004-World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications. 22 – 26 June 2004, pp. 4646 – 4649. Lugano, Switzerland: AACE
- Uys, P.M. (2003, June). "Quality in the Management of Technological Transformation: A Framework for Developed and Developing Environments" published in the proceedings of 2003 EDEN (European Distance Education Network) Annual Conference, 15-18 June 2003, Rhodes Island, Greece.
- Foster, J.D.G., Masoso, O.T., Sebusang, S.E.M., Uys, P.M. (2002, September). "A Study of How Engineering Students Share Learning" in Durban, South Africa from 3-4 October 2002 at the "3rd Southern African Conference on Engineering Education".
- Uys, P.M., Nleya, P.N & Molelu, G.B (2001, November). "Technological Innovation and Management Strategies for Higher Education in Africa: Harmonizing Reality and Idealism" in Nairobi, Kenya in November 2001 at the "International Conference On Transformation On Higher Education Management And Leadership For Efficacy In Africa".
- Uys, P.M. (2001, July). "Networked Educational Management: Transforming Educational Management in a Networked Institute" in Tampere, Finland in June 2001 at the "World Conference on Educational Hypermedia and Telecommunications (ED-MEDIA)".
- Uys, P.M. & Siverts, S.A (2001, April). "Managing Technological Transformation In Higher Education: A Southern African Perspective" at the "22nd World ICDE (International Council for Distance Education) Conference" in Dusseldorf, Germany. April 2001.
- Uys, P.M. (1998, April). Managing Tertiary Education in a Global Virtual Environment: Networked Educational Management. Proceedings of Towards the Global University II: Redefining Excellence in the Third Millennium Conference. Cape Town: University of Central Lancashire.
- Uys, P.M. (1999, July). "Towards the Virtual Class: Technology Issues from a Fractal Management Perspective" in Seattle, USA at the "World Conference on Educational Hypermedia and Telecommunications (ED-MEDIA)".
- Uys, P.M. (1998, April). "New Educational Technology and the Global Village: Key Management Issues In Higher Education" in Tours, France at the "Towards the Global University: Strategies for the Third Millennuim" Conference.
- Uys, P.M. (1998, June). Presented a case study on the growth and work of the hydi Educational New Media Centre titled "From Vision To Reality: The Development Of Distributed On-Line Education at Massey University at Wellington" at the "Open and Flexible Learning Technologies" conference at Massey University.
- Uys, P.M. (1997, June). "Managing a Hypermedia Courseware Development Project: Dynamics and Conclusions" at " the 18th World ICDE (International Council for Distance Education) Conference" in Pennsylvania, USA.
Symposia in Refereed Conference Proceedings
- Wills, S. & Uys, P.M. (2018, June). Roundtable on University-wide planning for flexible, collaborative and connected learning spaces: sharing breakthrough strategies using consultative approaches . 43d International Conference on Improving University Teaching (IUT). Port Macquarie, Australia
- Gunn, C. & Uys, P. M. (2011). From funded project to sustainable product: elearning innovations in transition. In G. Williams, P. Statham, N. Brown & B. Cleland (Eds.), Changing Demands, Changing Directions. Proceedings ascilite Hobart 2011. (pp.520-521).
- Sankey, M., Brown, M., Uys, P. M. (2011). Do the ACODE benchmarks still cut the mustard or is eLearning maturity just a dream? There is light at the end of the tunnel. In G. Williams, P. Statham, N. Brown & B. Cleland (Eds.), Changing Demands, Changing Directions. Proceedings ascilite Hobart 2011. (pp.1121-1122).
Invited Key notes and Invited Presentations
- Uys, P.M. (2019, August). What students are saying about Technology Enhanced Learning. Invited presentation to ACODE Learning Technologies Leadership Institute, Mooloolaba, Australia.
- Uys, P.M. (2019, June). Synchronisations, Synergies and Systems: Key Considerations for a Mature Ed Tech Future. Invited presentation to FeedbackFruits Inspiration Day - Moving to Stability and Maturity, Erasmus University Rotterdam Education Lab, Netherlands.
- Uys, P.M. (2019, May). Increasing Learner Success Through Active Blended Learning Environments. Invited presentation to 4Th Annual Online & e-Learning Summit 2019. Liquid Learning Group, Melbourne, Australia
- Uys, P.M. (2019, May). Data for good - From Privacy to Ethical Governance Frameworks. Invited presentation to Data Science Summit - Design and communicate meaningful data insights to influence key stakeholders and enhance organisational efficiency. Liquid Learning Group, Sydney, Australia
- Uys, P.M. (2019, March). Utilising Blended Learning Spaces to Achieve Active Learning Outcomes. Invited presentation to Australia's New Generation Learning Space Design Summit. IQPC Australia. Sydney, Australia
- Uys, P.M. (2018, August). Turning Openness from Competition to Advantage: Understanding the Benefits of Open Learning and Open Resources to Contribute to Social Responsibility while Freeing up Budgets. Invited presentation to Australia's Next generation Libraries Conference. IQPC Australia. Melbourne, Australia
- Uys, P.M. (2017, August). What students are saying about Technology Enhanced Leaning. ACODE Learning Technologies Leadership Institute, Mooloolaba, Australia
- Uys, P.M. (2017, June). Open, Blended & Online Learning at Charles Sturt University. EduTech Higher Education Leaders Congress, Sydney, Australia
- Uys, P.M. (2017, March). Blended learning and cutting-edge learning technologies. Invited presentation at the 9th Annual Blended Learning Conference 2017. Sydney, Australia.
- Uys, P.M. (2015, April). The Use of Educational Technologies in Distance and Higher Education. Invited presentation to 152 staff members at the Bangladesh Open University. Gazipur, Bangladesh.
- Wells, S. & Uys, P.M. (2014, February). Learning analytics in an era of digitisation. Invited joint presentation at the 2014 Australian E-Learning Congress. Melbourne.
- Uys, P.M. (2013, July). MOOCs in higher education: a critical reflection of its potential and pitfalls. Invited presentation at the MOOCs 2013 Conference. Melbourne.
- Uys, PM & Parker, S. (2013, July). Integrated Technology Environments for Digital Assessment: A Charles Sturt University Case Study. Assessment in a Digital Era Conference. Revolutionising assessment approaches across Australian Universities. Melbourne
- Uys, PM (2013, March). Mobile Learning and Student Engagement in and Outside the Classroom: 3rd Annual E-Learning Summit. Melbourne
- Uys, PM (2012, November). The CSU mLearn project. Winner of the best project in 2012. ANZmLEARN Sydney.
- Uys, P.M. (2012, October). The Dynamics of Mobile Learning in Higher Education. Invited presentation at the MobiLearnAsia 2012 Conference. Singapore.
- Uys, P.M. (2012, August). Mobile Learning at Charles Sturt University. Invited presentation at the Informa Mobile Learning Conference. Melbourne, Australia.
- Uys, P.M. (2012, June). Mobile Learning in Higher Education. Keynote presentation at the Australasian Council on Open, Distance and E-Learning (ACODE) 59 workshop. Melbourne, Australia.
- Uys, P.M. (2012, March). he mobile movement: what does this mean for tertiary education?. Technology in Tertiary Education Congress 2012. 28 March 2012. Sydney, Australia
- Uys, P.M. (2012, February). Creating and executing a successful mobile learning strategy a Charles Sturt University case study. The Australian eLearning Congress. Ark Group. 7 - 8 February 2012. Sydney, Australia
Buchan, J; Flynn, L; Murdoch, D; Uys, P.M. (2008, December). Poster. A decade of change @ CSU 1999 2009. The Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ascilite) Annual Conference. December 1-3, 2006. Melbourne, Australia.
- Uys, P.M. (2008, November). Using Change Management, Professional Development and Communication Strategies to Support the Implementation of Sakai at CSU. Presentation at the AuSakai conference. Melbourne, Australia.
- Uys, P.M. (2007, November). Change Management in the Introduction of Sakai at Charles Sturt University. Presentation at the AuSakai conference. Canberra, Australia.
- Uys, P.M. (2007, August). Energising employees for organisational change at the Strategic HR Management in the Public Sector. Improving Human Resource Frameworks to Align with Organisational Objectives and Achieve Employee Satisfaction on 9th August 2007; Sydney, Australia.
- Uys, P.M. (2007, July). Enterprise-wide technological transformation and change management: A complex landscape at the LEARNX Asia Pacific eLearning and Training conference and expo; Sydney, Australia.
- Uys, P.M. (2005, September). Extending the Range of Learning Technologies at CSU: An Open Discussion. Workshop during the Learning and Teaching Conference, Charles Sturt University.
- Uys, P.M. (2003, June). e-Learning in Botswana and particularly at the University of Botswana during International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) senior staff visit in preparation for the WITFOR 2005 conference to be hosted in Botswana in 2005.
- Uys, P.M. (2002, September). Presentation on "eLearning in SADC and the University of Botswana 2002 at the "6th Meeting of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Technical Committee on Distance Education" hosted by Botswana in Gaborone, Botswana on 6 September 2002.
- Uys, P.M. & M.K.M Magowe (2002, July). Poster. Breaking the silence online: using Web-based threaded message boards at the University of Botswana as anonymous Q&A forums for open discussion and entry-level counselling on HIV/AIDS. Aids 2002 - XIV World AIDS Conference, July 7 12, 2002. Barcelona, Spain.
- Uys, P.M. (2001, November). "The Use of ICT in the Teaching-Learning Process: Staff Development for Online Teachers; in Maputo, Mozambique at the "International Conference on Staff Development in Higher Education" hosted by Universidade Eduardo Mondlane (UEM).
- Uys, P.M. (2001, October). 2001 National DVET Seminar “E-Learning at DVET: The First Step” titled "Towards eLearning in Southern Africa: Vision and Imperatives, Myths and Realities" Gaborone, Botswana.
- Uys, P.M. & Shemi, A. (2001, October). 2001 Knowledge Exchange Learning Partnership (KELP) Seminar organised by the University of Pretoria titled "Towards eLearning in Southern Africa: Vision and Imperatives, Myths and Realities" Gaborone, Botswana.
- Uys, P.M. (2001, September). Opening key note address titled "Towards eLearning in Africa: Vision and Imperatives, Myths and Realities" at the "Southern African Network for Training and Research on the Environment (SANTREN)" eLearning workshop in Gaborone, Botswana hosted by the University of Botswana.
- Uys, P.M. (1999, January). Key note address titled "Towards the Virtual Class in Southern Africa: Vision, Myths and Realities" at the "Technology in Interactive Education (TIE)" conference from 27 - 29 January 1999 in Durban, South Africa organised by the University of Natal.
Conference papers and workshops (not in refereed conference proceedings)
- Sanoto, D. and Uys, P.M. (2018). Breaking Learner Isolation, through ICTs in Teacher Education: The case of the Bachelors Degree in Education, Primary, at Botswana Open University. 8th Annual Teacher Education at a Distance Conference 2018. Drakensburg Sun Resort, KZN, South Africa.
- Uys, P. M. (2014, May). Learning Analytics in an Era of Digitisation: Adaptation for better learning in Higher Education. eLearning Africa Conference, Kampala, Uganda.
- Uys, P.M. & Parker, S. (2013, November). Integrated Technology Environments for Digital Assessment at Charles Sturt University. CSU Educational Conference "Transforming Assessment: New Landscapes, New Pedagogy, New Students . 19-21 November 2012. Charles Sturt University, Bathurst, Australia.
- Uys, P.M. (2012, November). Mobile Learning in Higher Education: Challenges and strategies. CSU Educational Conference " 'Higher Education for a Digital Age: Building connections to enhance learning and teaching. 5-7 November 2012. Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga, Australia.
- Uys, P.M. (2012, June). Dynamics of a University Educational Technology Portfolio: Sakai at Charles Sturt University. Presentation at the 2012 International Sakai Conference. Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
- Uys, P.M. (2011, November). Educational Technology Integration at CSU: The current state and potential developments 2011 2013. CSU Educational Conference "Transforming university education ". 16th - 17th November 2011. Charles Sturt University, Thurgoona, Australia.
- Klapdor, T., Uys, P.M. (2011, November). Mobile learning at CSU: Increasing flexibility for our students. CSU Educational Conference "Transforming university education ". 16th - 17th November 2011. Charles Sturt University, Thurgoona, Australia.
- Uys, P.M., Klapdor, T. (2011, September). The mobile learning potential of the Sakai CLE and Open Academic Environments. 2011 AuSakai Conference, Towards an Open Academic and Collaborative Environment", 13 - 14 September 2011. Australian National University, Australia.
- Appert, L, Hardham, G, Hollowgrass, R, Pasch, J, Squillace, B, Uys, P.M. (2011, June). Think Globally, Act Locally: Institutional User Needs Analysis and the Sakai OAE Managed Project. Presentation at the 2011 International Sakai Conference. Los Angeles, California, USA.
- Uys, P.M. (2011, May - June). Seminars on Increasing options for student learning through the use of mobile devices at the following South African Universities: University of Cape Town, University of Stellenbosch, University of the Western Cape, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Univeristy (Port Elizabeth), University of Pretoria, University of South Africa.
- Uys, P.M. (2011, May). Half day change management workshop. Developing strategies to introduce and manage technological change and innovation in higher education. eLearning Africa Conference, 25 May 2011. Dar Es Salaam,
- Buchan, J & Uys, P.M. (2010, December). Half day change management workshop. Developing strategies to introduce and manage technological change and innovation in higher education towards learning and teaching transformation. 2010 Ascilite Conference, 'Curriculum, Technology & Transformation for an Unknown Future' , 5 December 2010. Sydney, Australia.
- Uys, P.M. (2010, September). Key Findings of an Extensive 2010 survey of Sakai use by Teaching staff and Students at Charles Sturt University. 2010 AuSakai Conference, Engage, Educate, Evolve , 15 - 17 September 2010. Northern Institute of TAFE, NSW, Australia
- Uys, P.M. (2010, June). An ICT-Enabled Learning and Teaching CoP to Expand the Use of Sakai at CSU. Paper presented at the 2010 International Sakai Conference. Denver, Colorado, USA.
- Uys, P.M. (2010, May). Promoting Knowledge Management and Knowledge Transfer in an Educational Setting. Invited paper presented at the Knowledge Transfer and Retention conference. Ark Group. Sydney, Australia.
- Uys, P.M. (2009, November). Critical Reflections on Building a Community of Practice about ICT-enabled Learning and Teaching at CSU. CSU Educational Conference "Leading And Learning In Higher Education". 25th - 27th November 2009. Charles Sturt University, Thurgoona, Australia.
- Buchan, J & Uys, P.M. (2009, September). Full day change management workshop. Strategies for the Widespread Uptake of Sakai in Tertiary and Higher education. 2009 AuSakai Conference, Sakai as a Scholarly Environment: Pedagogy, Systems, Processes and Outcomes , 16 - 18 September 2009. Charles Sturt University, Bathurst, Australia.
- Uys, P.M. (2009, May). Change and innovation strategies during the implementation of Sakai: an Australian case study (pdf 2MB).Also available as a recording (mp4 28MB). Paper presented at the 2009 European Sakai Conference. Stockholm, Sweden.
- Uys, P.M. (2009, May). Using change management, professional development and communication strategies to support an open source LMS implementation. eLearning and Instructional Design Conference. Ark Group. 13 - 14 May 2009. Melbourne, Australia
- Campbell, M. & Uys, P.M. (2005, November). Building learning communities of practice for professional development in open and distance learning: the CELT experience. The Open and Distance Learning Association of Australia (ODLAA) Annual Conference Breaking Down Boundaries, November 9-11 2005. Adelaide, Australia.
- Uys, P.M., Magetse, T.L, & Tladi, L. (2003, September). An Overview of Open, Distance and eLearning in Botswana. Workshop on “Distance Education and Network Communication”, Jilin University, China.
- Molelu, G.B & Uys, P.M. (2003). Development of eLearning at the University of Botswana: Challenges, Achievements, and Pointers to the Future. eLearning Conference, MORUO Communications, Fourways, Johannesburg, South Africa, 27 August 2003.
- Molelu, G.B & Uys, P.M. (2003). Technological Change in Learning Environments: The Case of the University of Botswana. NTESU Conference, Durban, South Africa, 9 July 2003.
- Uys, P.M. (1998, November). "Towards the Virtual Class: Technology Issues from a Fractal Management Perspective" at the "Annual Research Symposium of the South African Institute For Computer Scientists And Information Technologists(SAICSIT)" Cape Town, South Africa.
Other writings, publications and educational media
- Loizillon, A. and Uys, P.M. (2020). EAPRO Meta-analysis on what works to improve learning outcomes in primary education in East Asia and the Pacific. Unpublished report to UNICEF.
- Uys, P.M. (2016, April). Poster. Review a Learning Management System Implementation at Charles Sturt University Using the LASO Model. DEANZ Conference, Hamilton, New Zealand.
- Tulloch M, Relf S, & Uys P. (Eds). (2006). “Breaking down Boundaries. International experience in open, distance and flexible learning. Selected Papers.” The Open and Distance Learning Association of Australia (ODLAA) Annual Conference Breaking Down Boundaries, November 9-11 2005. CSU, Australia.
- Tulloch M, Uys P, Arthur J & Buckland E, (2005). Unpublished. Towards a leading edge learning environment at CSU: maximising responsiveness and flexibility through blended and convergent learning approaches. Centre for Enhancing Learning and Teaching (CELT), Charles Sturt University.
- Uys, P.M. (2004, March). Final Draft Report on Result Area 4. Feasibility Study to Develop a National Strategy for e-Learning in Botswana. Government of Botswana.
- Uys, P.M. and Azzoni, L. (2017). Study on Intra-ACP programming for Research & Innovation. Unpublished report to the European Commission.
- Douse, M. and Uys, P.M. (2017). The Impact of Digitalization on Development: Using ICT in Education. Unpublished report to the European Commission.
- Huelsmann, T. & Uys, P.M. (2002, July). Co-developed on invitation a Southern African Case Study for the Masters Degree course Educational Technologies for Distance Education in Developing Countries at the Carl Von Ossietzky University Of Oldenburg, Germany.
- Uys, P.M. (2001, December 18). "Consultancy Report for New Facility to House an Open Elearning Centre / Learning Resource Centre and a Library: Francistown CTVE / FTC. Recommended layout for Open Elearning Centre / Learning Resource Centre and Library. Project No 8.ACP.BT.003" to the Ministry of Education, Botswana.
- Butterfield, S., Chambers, M., Moseley, B., Prebble, T., Uys, P., Woodhouse, D. (1999, July). AAU publication "External Quality Assurance for the Virtual Institution) " (ISSN: 1174-8826).
- Uys, P.M. (1999, January). University of Botswana: Strategic Educational Technology Plan. The University of Botswana, Gaborone, Botswana.
- 2000, October. “Towards the Virtual Class: Key Management Issues in Tertiary Education”. Unpublished PhD thesis, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.
His thesis is that the effective and widespread use of online learning/networked education in an institute requires a new form of management for all aspects of its operations: Networked Educational Management. The thesis further presents a set of heuristics for managing the implementation of online learning/networked education in conventional tertiary education. In 2001 these heuristics have been incorporated into the new "LASO (Leadership, Academic & Student Ownership and Readiness) Model for Technological Transformation in Tertiary Education".