Towards the Virtual Class:

Key Management Issues in Tertiary Education


Dr Philip Uys

December 2000



Uys, P.M. (2000). Towards the Virtual Class: Key Management Issues in Tertiary Education. Unpublished PhD thesis, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. Available online:




The doctorate that integrated educational technology, communications and management was awarded in December 2000 by the Department of Communications, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. My thesis is that the effective and widespread use of eLearning in an institution can be better supported by a new form of distributed management for all aspects of its operations called “networked educational management”. The thesis further presents a set of heuristics for managing the implementation of eLearning in conventional and mixed-mode tertiary education. In 2001 these heuristics were integrated and became the "LASO (Leadership, Academic & Student Ownership and Readiness) Model for Technological Transformation in Tertiary Education".

Download the complete thesis (pdf 1.7mb)

Opening Pages

Chapter 1: introduction

Chapter 2: literature review  

Chapter 3 : methodology

Chapter 4: cycle 1 – towards the virtual class

Chapter 5: cycle 2 – first networked course

Chapter 6: cycle 3 - first commercial networked courses

Chapter 7 : cycle 4 – networked education in operation

Chapter 8: managing the implementation of the virtual class infrastructure in conventional tertiary education

Chapter 9: managing the operations of the virtual class: networked educational management

Chapter 10: summary, conclusions and recommendations





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